"La cacophonie de Gaspard de la Nuit", Revue Bertrand, 2025, no. 8.
Languages and Policy Engagement at Oxford: An Act of Translation, Queen's College Translation Exchange, 2024.
Instability and Destabilisation, The Oxford Polyglot, 2024.
Conference Papers
[Upcoming] "A French Idea of the Global: the sociology of diversity at Éditions Stock", at the Harvard Institute for World Literature 2025 session, July 2025.
"The position of Éditions Stock in Pierre Bourdieu's champ éditorial", presented at Prof. Gisèle Sapiro's seminar at EHESS on 'Les champs de production culturelle : autonomisation, politisation, transnationalisation', December 2024.
"A French Idea of the Global: the space of diversity at Éditions Stock", presented at the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France Transnational Futures Conference, September 2024.
"A French Idea of the Global: the space of diversity at Éditions Stock", presented at the International Conference on the Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 2024.
"The translation trends of Éditions Stock's foreign collection, la Cosmopolite", presented at Prof. Catriona Seth's French Graduate Research Seminar, All Souls, University of Oxford, February 2024.
Teaching and Departmental Service
Tutor of French Thought Teaching undergraduate tutorials on works by René Descartes, Jean-Jacques, Rousseau, Simone de Beauvoir and Aimé Césaire, University of Oxford (September 2024-present)
Policy Assistant Assisting Professor Charlotte Ryland with developing Policy Engagement in the MML Faculty and with policymakers at the Department of Education, University of Oxford (March 2024-present)
Sub-Faculty Graduate Representative for French, University of Oxford (October 2023-June 2024)
Academic Officer, Oxford Modern Languages Graduate Conference on Instability and Destabilisation (October 2023-June 2024)
Prizes and Awards
Collaborative Doctoral Award, full scholarship in partnership with the Institut Français and the French Embassy's Higher Education and Science Service (2023-2026)
Travel Award to conduct research in Paris (2023)
Graduate Diploma in Law, full scholarship (2018)
Master of Laws, full scholarship (2019-2020)
Diplomatic Award to travel to Israel and Palestine with the Cambridge Middle East North Africa Forum (2018)
Travel Award to pursue Arabic Studies in Amman, Jordan (2014)